MAKEACHAMP is everywhere, growing fast, and still hiring. Here’s how we did it

The Vancouver Sun writes : Chronically underfunded amateur athletes have turned to to get to competitions and races. Oeil Régional : MAKEACHAMP appuie l'ascension fulgurante du footballeur François Rocheleau. THE STAR : MAKEACHAMP is that kind of financial help and kind words of encouragement which help fuel the woman pursuing a big Olympian dream North Shore News : Liam Peiffer is riding on top of the world, after a successful campaign on La Presse : L'Usine à Champions / The Champions Factory. You have probably heard about MAKEACHAMP’s rising growth. And you may have read how the crowdfunding...

P.K. Subban gives young athlete, Maya Laylor, a leg up

Olympic Gold medalist, and NHL Norris Trophy winner, P.K. Subban, knows very well how hard it can be for families and young athletes to pay the cost of high-level training. He is now supporting 19 year-old Canadian Jr. & Sr. Weightlifting champion, Maya Laylor, in her dream to become a World Champion and an Olympic medalist. Here is NHL star P.K. Subban announcing his official support:

Crowdfunding like a champ : Eseroghene Omene

Like many high-level athletes, 400m runner Eseroghene Omene dedicates her time to training, and spends her spare time looking for ways to advance her career. Yet, there is a fine balance between self-promotion and making sure you stay focused on your athletic goals. Eseroghene recently shared her story on MAKEACHAMP, and soon after, her story became viral. She found herself on radio shows, sports blogs, as well local TV news. A month later, she raised 136% of her goal to go to the Pan American games this August, in Toronto. How did she do it? We set down and discussed...

Portrait de championne : Marie-Claude Molnar - Paracyclisme

Médaillé de bronze aux Jeux Paralympiques de Londres en 2012, Champion Canada en 2013, on ne présente plus au Québec ou au Canada Marie-Claude Molnar. Son palmarès est impressionnant. Récemment, Marie-Claude a lancé une campagne de crowdfunding sur la plateforme de sociofinancement MAKEACHAMP pour pouvoir continuer son entraînement, ses deux vélos de course ayant été volés dans sa voiture stationnée. Incroyable n'est-ce pas? La communauté sportive du cyclisme et paracyclisme s'est heureusement ralliée et Marie-Claude a pu obtenir 101% de son objectif financier - à moins de 3 jours de sa campagne. Bravo à la communauté du cyclisme, amis et...