
1 Year To Go Until Rio, Don't Forget About Funding

With one year to go until the Rio 2016 Olympic games, it is easy to get swept by the preparation and forget about the funding needed to get there. Making sure you have enough funds available to travel to the competitions is just as important as making sure you are physically ready to perform.   It happen way too often that an athlete or a team will run out of funds and will not be able to make the qualification. For example, the Canadian women’s beach volleyball pair ran out of funds late in qualifying season before 2012 Olympic Games....

Athlete's guide to social media & content marketing, part 1 : introduction

David Ancor is a Canadian Judoka who has spent the last few years managing the content marketing, sponsorship, and social media for MAKEACHAMP. Through this experience, he has acquired extensive knowledge about what a company is looking for in a sponsored athlete, and how to grow a community of followers on social media, which he is currently using to help fund his journey to the 2016 Rio Olympics.   The purpose of this series of blogs is to get athletes to start thinking and acting like marketers. This first post is about getting inside the head of a marketing director...

Crowdfunding pays off : Hello new sponsors and funding!

In the past 2 years, sports crowdfunding has been a rising phenomenon, with global champion MAKEACHAMP. For the first time, athletes can get funds directly from their their community, without having to sell chocolate door to door or organize time-consuming charity events. Instead, they can use their social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) as well as other tools, such as email, to get public attention on their objective. MAKEACHAMP : L'usine à champions http://t.co/3eXlVEOaOF #Press — heri (@heri) January 20, 2015 As online platforms develop, in America, Europe, Asia, Brazil, this type of funding is poised for fast growth. Simply,...

The Athlete's Blog - Generate Blog Topics

Let's face the reality, writing a blog post is probably on the bottom end of the task list for an athlete. Whether they don't see the point of it or they simply don't have the time or energy, athletes are not blogging. When asking them why they don't blog the most frequent reason we hear is that they don't know what to write about so with this post we want to share some ways that we at MAKEACHAMP use to generate ideas for blog posts.