As a kid, about 15 years ago (back in 2002) we would go to the bars and do sets of pull ups, dips. When bored at home I would do push ups.
Then, in a few years I immigrated to the U.S. I lived in Spanish Harlem and it was a common picture that people would train on a scaffold or other street structures. Sometimes I would do these routines as well to keep myself in shape.
Then at some point I started training in the gym with weights. It was difficult to be 100% consistent with exercise, because these workouts did seem to be quite monotonous and boring. I would get bigger temporarily, then when I would leave the exercise I would get smaller. Besides gym I also used to do rollerblading, ice-skating, running, biking, playing soccer etc. I did notice the benefits from other sports, but gym training that was supposed to make me stronger was just making me bigger. Back in the end of 2011 I saw someone do muscle up - I tried and was unable to do it.
Some sort of revolution started in my head. I thought - why am I lifting weights if I cannot lift my own body? I made a decision to dominate my own bodyweight first. In a few days I checked YouTube to see if there are other people who have the same mindset. I found videos of Denis Minin and Hannibal for K...
As a kid, about 15 years ago (back in 2002) we would go to the bars and do sets of pull ups, dips. When bored at home I would do push ups.
Then, in a few years I immigrated to the U.S. I lived in Spanish Harlem and it was a common picture that people would train on a scaffold or other street structures. Sometimes I would do these routines as well to keep myself in shape.
Then at some point I started training in the gym with weights. It was difficult to be 100% consistent with exercise, because these workouts did seem to be quite monotonous and boring. I would get bigger temporarily, then when I would leave the exercise I would get smaller. Besides gym I also used to do rollerblading, ice-skating, running, biking, playing soccer etc. I did notice the benefits from other sports, but gym training that was supposed to make me stronger was just making me bigger. Back in the end of 2011 I saw someone do muscle up - I tried and was unable to do it.
Some sort of revolution started in my head. I thought - why am I lifting weights if I cannot lift my own body? I made a decision to dominate my own bodyweight first. In a few days I checked YouTube to see if there are other people who have the same mindset. I found videos of Denis Minin and Hannibal for King. It was impressive to see the physique they were able to build by doing Calisthenics exercises. Moreover, Denis Minin is from the same country that I am (Ukraine) and Hannibal for King lived in the same city where I currently lived (New York), so it was quite a strong motivation for me to start.
I started by doing sets of pull ups, push ups, dips in the gym - just like during old times. Whenever I could - I practiced muscle ups and was able to do the first one in about two months. Then my next target was a back lever.
Once I learned the back lever and could do muscle ups I felt so much stronger. I cant deny those first moves were really hard to learn, but it was worth - I felt so much stronger than before. The weather got better and I started training with my friend Zac in parks in Harlem, Bronx or sometimes Tompkins Square Park. We would do routines of sets and reps and one day when we did a routine of 1500 reps I was extremely proud of our accomplishment. The set was 10 pull ups 20 dips and we repeated it 50 times. At that point I already knew that Calisthenics is something I want to never stop doing.
My next projects were dragon flag, handstand. At some point I realized that I dont have much consistency because of the New York weather. In 2014 I moved to Colombia to be able to keep training.
I had ups and downs, also my portion of disappointments and injuries.
I trained alone, trained with different people, trained routines or trained just doing random things. My breakthrough was in 2017 when I started training with Vadym Oleynik.
I received so much knowledge from him and also at that time I recollected all my experience in my head - everything I did in Calisthenics and realized what was right and what was wrong. I left only and only what was right - the proper was of training, the proper nutrition, proper lifestyle. Everything came into place.
I could not be happier. I did not even realize how Calisthenics became the most important part of my life. The time of each training went up from 2 hours to 3-4 hours or sometimes even 5 hours. Instead of 3 times a week I would go 5-6 times. It was not and it is not a burden for me to train so much, because I realized the real purpose of Calisthenics training - I knew why Im doing it, I knew how to do it and I knew where it will take me.
Now even a day without training makes me upset, because it is something I really enjoy. Calisthenics will keep growing and developing. The type of training we currently use gives you strength and domination of your body for whatever sport. in my opinion, IT IS THE MOST COMPLETE PREPARATION OF YOUR BODY.