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 Tips & Tricks

Running a MAKEACHAMP campaign takes time, effort, and creativity. While you’ve probably done a great job of sharing your campaign link with your social network, here’s a list of 10 out-of-the-box ways to share your campaign. Remember: the success of your campaign will depend on how much time and effort you put in it.

1. Create a video for your campaign.
While photos are extremely meaningful, sometimes a simple video from the campaign organizer talking about the impact of the campaign can take your fundraiser from good to great.

2. Share your campaign link in any Facebook groups you’re a part of.
Remember to focus your post on why your campaign means so much to you, and letting any readers know of the immense power that even just sharing the campaign link on social media can have.

3. Add a special perk or reward.
Get creative and think of some free or low-cost reward for your donors.

4. Post your campaign on Instagram.
Our best advice for posting your campaign on Instagram is to post a screenshot of your campaign’s main image when viewing it on a mobile device, and sharing it to your feed with your campaign title, hashtag, and link (in your bio!).

5. Reach out to your local media
While sharing with your social network is the most important thing, it can also help to reach out to your local news organizations and blogs to let them know why your campaign would interest the community and their readers!

6. Share your campaign on Linkedin.
Make sure to post a professional and creative update when posting on LinkedIn.

7. Start a Facebook page specifically for your campaign.
This can be a central gathering place for your supporters to see photos of your updates, share ideas, and keep in touch with one another.

8. Create a campaign hashtag.
This is a way to build social media awareness around your campaign. Some ideas we’ve loved in the past are #willathewarrior, #reunitethetaylors, and other tags that ignite interest.

9. Excite your donors by posting creative and fun shoutouts in your updates.
More specifically, we’ve seen updates that include photos of donors enjoying their reward, or videos of donors wishing the campaign organizer or beneficiary their best!

10. Get creative with your updates.
Use your gifts: are you a singer, a poet, or a great photographer? Get your supporters excited to stay tuned by posting “10 days of Songs” videos, or “30 days of Beautiful Photo Updates.”