My name is Sariah Ardila and I am 16 years old, have been swimming professionally since the age of 8. I am from Costa Rica, one of the happiest countries in the world, located in Central America.
I love swimming ever since I entered the water, and thanks to my mom who saw my passion and my desire to swim, got me into lessons since the age of 6.
I am blessed to have the most supporting parents, who have given it all to me. I have seen their effort, working hard to give me the best in this sport, including the travels, the best swimming gears, get the best training in
the country, they have done it all. But now we need help, and what a better way than this one!
Always follow your heart, I follow mine, I follow my dream, my goals, which is of course swimming...are you following yours?
Here am I with my first swim coaches Frank Rivas and Claudia Poll who was an Olímpico gold medal. We are in a meet in Florida. I was 10 years old I this picture. I am always so thankful to them for what they have given me in the world of swimming.
Now at the age of 16, I am in a new swimming team, with my new coach who has encouraged me to keep going towards my goals.
I have my mind set in what I want, and I am enjoying every moment of this amazing journey. I truly hope you can be part of my journey with any support you desire to help with, but most important is that I will count with you when I need a smile, a hug or a word of encouragement as I walk this competitive journey.
Practicing my Butterfly!
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