está praticando Canoagem
dentro Брчко дистрикт, Босна и Херцеговина


I'm Velibor Marinkovic I was born 27.04.1992 Brčko Distrikt BIH. In this sport I'm since 2005 and I has more than 320 medals. 9 years I'm not defeated in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the categories of young cadets , cadets , juniors and seniors , and one time the best in Croatia. The best international results of their 2007 Poland " Bydgoszcz " where Velibor won the C-1 two seventh place in the final, and two ninth places. 2008 in Hungary " Szeged " I won  8 place in C-1 8th. and 7th. in the finals. 2009 as the most successful of me where in the Balkan Championships in Serbia "APATIN "I took two silver medals in the C -2 and C-1 one bronze and one silver medal. 2010 at an international regatta in Romania " Orsova " I won two gold medals in C2 .2007 I was declared the best athlete of the Brcko District. 2011 became official members of the Croatian Club " Marsonija " Slavonski Brod, until 2013.I paddle at the European Championships 2012 for seniors , I was three times in the semi-final on 4 place and   C-1 5000m in final won 12 place from 2014 I became a member K.K.R.K Drina Zvornik. 2014 at World Championship I finish 4th in the World in U23. My goal is to win one of International medal in marathon because since 2014 I prefer marathon because I seen that I'...

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Брчко дистрикт, Босна и Херцеговина

This will help me to compete at World...

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wishing you all the best in your racing Velibor!