
Brittany Phelan going to Sochi Olympic Games

I LOVE WHAT I DO, AND WHEN YOU LOVE SOMETHING THIS MUCH, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! - Brittany Phelan Brittany Phelan came to MAKEACHAMP 120 days before the Games. She needed funding for her season and her supporters have answered. They’ve contributed to her campaign, bringing it to 104% of her 6500$ goal. Every person supported her because they believe in her abilities and her dream. Today, she can say that she has proved every single supporter right. All of her supporters can be proud of her and even of themselves. Regardless of what happens in the Olympics, Brittany will always...

Success Story - Chris Hamilton

“It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” Contrary to the usual success stories, this one came to us not at a moment of celebration but following defeat. Chris Hamilton came to MAKEACHAMP to raise funds to help him qualify for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games.

Our Journey to the Dragons' Den

The day has finally come for us to announce our appearance on Dragons' Den. After months of waiting for a reply from Dragons' Den we can finally announce that MAKEACHAMP will be on the thirteenth web pitch of Dragons Den Season 8! UPDATE: You can watch the episode by clicking here.Here is our journey getting there:

Writing a Campaign Description

A campaign description should be informative and captivating. But most importantly it should describe in a transparent manner what the funds will be used for. Here we'll walk you through a campaign description, part by part and also include an example.    Start with your athletic career    At the beginning of the campaign description, give us some basic details about your life, your sport and career. Here is an example: “Hey everyone, my name is David. I am 21 years old and I have been doing judo since the age of 5. I started in Toronto and currently train with...