Hello, my name is Cheyenne Brown. I am 15 years old, live in Truckee, California, and currently race for the Squaw Valley Ski Team. I am extremely athletic and love the outdoors. When I find some free time outside of skiing and the rest of my busy life, I almost always spend it in the outdoors either surfing, rock climbing, hiking, running, biking, water-skiing, wake boarding, doing cross fit, or even peaceful yoga. I started my skiing career early on at Donner Ski Ranch, then I moved to Squaw Valley for the bigger better skiing. I started seriously ski racing when I was thirteen years old, and I hope to go on and ski professionally. I have Multiple jobs right now, from running a chain saw, to busting tables at the pizzeria. I also help out at my parents businesses as much as I can! I volunteer at the local rec departments, and at the elementary school right by my house!
My family and I work very hard for all the money we get, but we need a lot of help, everything we get goes to help us survive, and the left over goes to help my skiing. I am very grateful for anything we get, and i will continue working hard at it to reach my goals.
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