Jeff Thornhill is the founder of True Coach, a transformative approach to healthy living that combines the principles of personal training and life coaching. As a world class athlete with over 20 years’ experience Jeff brings a unique perspective, a wealth of knowledge, and an abundance of passion when it comes to helping people achieve their fitness and life goals.
Jeff is a former professional kickboxer and martial artist. He holds a black belt in Karate, is trained as a mixed martial artist, and is an IKMF certified instructor in Krav Maga. He is also an ACE-certified personal trainer and coach. Jeff has over 12 years’ experience developing training routines for everyone from professional athletes to everyday fitness enthusiasts.
Jeff has been competing at a professional level in Kettlebell Sport for the last two years. As a member of the Canadian national team, he has been qualified to compete at the Kettlebell World Championships.
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