
Minha campanha MAKEACHAMP! Como o crowdfunding me abriu portas

No final de 2014 meu técnico teve uma conversa bem direta comigo : você precisa ir para a Europa treinar e participar de competições no início de 2015. O problema é que eu não tinha apoio, apenas o bolsa-atleta, que eu utilizo para pagar meu custo de vida e despesas com treinamentos. Tentei contactar a confederação do meu esporte, a esgrima, e também não obtive sucesso. Meu clube, a Sogipa, poderia ajudar um pouco com hospedagem, mas não seria suficiente pois só a passagem estava em torno de R$ 5.000,00.

Athlete Branding Tips with Harrison Chapman, Karateka 2nd Dan

Currently representing Great-Britain, Karateka black belt 2nd Dan Harrison Chapman is one of the athletes who've reached their goal on MAKEACHAMP. Beyond Karate, we were amazed to see his ability to communicate and create a great online presence as an athlete. He has built his website, draws 16500 page views, blogs regularly, has more than 500 likes on his Facebook page, and also has more than 200 followers on Twitter. This has attracted many sponsors in sports & fitness. And Harrison is only 16 years old!  As such, we think Harrison represents a new generation of athletes who are able get...

Making a Crowdfunding Video with Zero Budget

Did you know Youtube was the second search engine in the world, just after Google? And why are Hollywood production companies putting so much time on crafting trailers? Videos express in a few seconds what text or pictures express in much more space. They are also more appealing, regardless of race, religion or culture. They motivate a crowd into action. In crowdfunding, statistics prove campaigns with video bring 120% more contributions than those without. Can you afford not to add a video? The following video grabbed the attention of Ese Omene's friends with interesting visuals, as well as simple words...

How do you get bloggers to write about your MAKEACHAMP crowdfunding campaign?

At MAKEACHAMP, we hear this question a lot. Getting an article written about your sports career or crowdfunding campaign is the best way to reach out to a wider audience who will contribute to your goal. Bloggers have a *BIG* influence and reach in this age of the Internet. They hold their audiences with brilliant words and stunning pictures, and their opinion or advice can make or break careers. If you have thought about using bloggers or journalists to help increase the reach of your MAKEACHAMP crowdfunding campaign, you have been thinking right. The problem is getting the attention of...