
6 reasons crowdfunding is more than just about funding

Without question, crowdfunding for athletes and teams is becoming increasingly popular. A campaign is simply the quickest and most efficient way to raise funds for your goals. In a world where getting money from sponsors is nearly impossible and there is an increased demand on the athlete to travel globally, getting funds quickly is instrumental. However, crowdfunding for athletes is so much more than simply collecting funds online. Below weve listed some of the unexpected benefits you get from running a crowdfunding campaign for your sport on MAKEACHAMP.1. Increased Online exposure Besides the cash that you get from your campaign, exposure...

Selling goods? Sponsorship? No, it's Crowdfunding

Since 2012, crowdfunding for athletes, teams and sport organizations has been becoming increasingly popular. Prior to 2012 and the launch of MAKEACHAMP, there were mainly 4 ways to raise funds for your athletic goals:  Sponsorships Sponsorships Donations Selling goods/services Physically (baked goods, carwash, etc...) Online (selling t-shirts online) Grants Now, we are introducing the 5th way to raise funds - crowdfunding. Without a doubt, crowdfunding for athletes, teams and organizations is effective and powerful. However, it can be hard to define and categorize. Where does crowdfunding stand in the categories specified above? Does crowdfunding lay under sponsorship or is it selling...

P.K. Subban gives young athlete, Maya Laylor, a leg up

Olympic Gold medalist, and NHL Norris Trophy winner, P.K. Subban, knows very well how hard it can be for families and young athletes to pay the cost of high-level training. He is now supporting 19 year-old Canadian Jr. & Sr. Weightlifting champion, Maya Laylor, in her dream to become a World Champion and an Olympic medalist. Here is NHL star P.K. Subban announcing his official support:


MAKEACHAMP accélère, avec plus de 10,000 athlètes, 50 sports, 20 pays, 100 campagnes par mois et plus de 1 million de dollars de financement pour les athlètes. Et c'est juste le début, puisque nous développons des produits extraordinaires en ce moment. Plus que le financement participatif, MAKEACHAMP est auss une plateforme avancée pour que les athlètes aient leur propre page web, publient des photos et vidéos, et mettent à jour leurs fans à propos de résultats et d'événements importants, et construisent une communaut de fans. En 2014, les athlètes ont besoin de développer une présence en ligne s'ils veulent avoir...